"WHEN I WENT TO COLLEGE, I WASN'T INTERESTED IN FASHION ANYMORE - I WAS INTERESTED IN STYLE." It's monday morning and it's cold due to the rainy night, I hope y'all had a wonderful night rest. So i decided to pull off a campus kinda outfit, with my denim jacket with black cardigan sleeves and black denim jeans as part of my "denim rush" series as i'd be doing more of denim trends in subsequent posts. It is difficult to pull off the all-denim trend. Some people pull it off extremely well while others could be poorly rated less than 3 on a scale of 1-10. However, I can say that denim is such a unique material that once you have the foundation of your outfit, it is easy for everything to fall into place. When matching denim on denim, I suggest opting for two different shades of denim, like ...